Shatavari Capsules, 60 capsules

Shatavari is a highly effective herb that helps to balance the Pitta dosha. Aggravated Pitta can cause significant disruption in the female body, affecting digestion, menstruation, fertility, and mental acuity. Shatavari addresses the issues of impaired digestion, menstruation and fertility due to aggravated pitta and offers a cooling effect through heat pacifying action.
₼ 43.00
Number Botanical name Part Form Quantity
1 Asparagus racemosus Root Tuber Extract g 0.6
Instructions for use
2 Capsules of Shatavari once or twice daily, or as recommended by the Physician.
•    Rejuvenative, cools, nourishes and revives.
•    Adaptogenic, helps body cope with the physical and mental stress.
•    Potent anti-oxidant action helps in preventing free radical cell damage.
•    Improves female fertility and libido. Bestows quality of ovum and ensures patency of the reproductive tract.
•    Excellent galactagogue.

Single Herbs