Thryphala Ghrutham, 150 mg

Thryphala Ghrutham is a medicated ghee with ‘Triphala’ as its main ingredient. It is excellent in keeping your eyes in perfect health and maintaining clarity of vision. This versatile combination is capable of balancing the Tridoshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha), boosting immunity, improving gut health and rejuvenating the body.
₼ 10.00
Number Botanical name Part Form Quantity
1 Cow’s milk milk ml 20
2 Butyrum ghee g 10
3 Terminalia chebula Fruit Rind Decoction g 3.333
4 Terminalia bellirica Fruit Rind Decoction g 3.333
5 Emblica officinalis Fruit Rind Decoction g 3.333
6 Terminalia chebula Fruit Rind Powder g 0.833
7 Terminalia bellirica Fruit Rind Powder g 0.833
Instructions for use
Adult: 7-10 ml of Thryphala Ghrutham early in the morning on empty stomach.
Child: 5-7 ml of Thryphala Ghrutham once in the morning on empty stomach.
Used for external application also.
•    Enhances the health and function of the eyes, an excellent remedy for different kinds of refractive
errors and structural disorders.
•    Maintains clarity and keenness of vision. It delays the impact of aging.
•    Excellent antioxidant, detoxifies and rejuvenates the body.
•    Encourages healthy gut biome, improves gut motility and relieves constipation.

Digestive Care